All Ravena Village Government Search for Near Search CategorySelect optionBusinesses- Antiques & Vintage- Arts, Performance & Visual- Attorneys- Auto Parts, Sales & Service- Banks & Credit Unions- Books- Building Trades & Construction- Churches- Computer Services- Eat & Drink- Farm & Garden/Agritourism- Financial Services- Funeral Services/Cemetery- Hairstyling & Beauty- Hardware- Health Services- Home & Business Services- Insurance- Lodging- Pet/Veterinary Services- Printers/Publications/Graphic Designers- Real Estate- Storage- Wedding/Event VenueCentral School District- Ravena-Coeymans-Selkrik Central School DistrictChamber of CommerceCommunity ServicesCounty Legislature- Albany County Legislature- Greene County LegislatureEmergency- Emergency ServicesGovernment- County Departments- County Government- Federal- Senators- Town Government- Village GovernmentHealth & Recreation- Camping & Outdoor Recreation- RecreationOrganizationsRepresentativesSchools- Elementary School- High School- School BoardsVillage Offices Search Add date Sort Options Add dateCategoryTitle Default View: Grid 1 View: Grid 2 View: Grid 3 View: Grid 4 View: Grid 5 View: List Ravena Village Government Water Department Chief Operator: Jason Leonard 15 Mountain Rd Ravena New York 12143 518-756-2024 Ravena Village Government Ravena Rescue Squad Ravena Ravena New York 12143 518-756-2096 Ravena Village Government Building Department Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer: Joseph Burns Assistant Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer: Travis Witbeck Zoning Enforcement Officer: Ron Hohman Clerk: Gabby Ambrose 15 Mountain Rd Ravena New York 12143 518-756-8201 Ravena Village Government Department of Public Works Village Foreman: Henry Traver W Shore Dr. Ravena New York 12143 518-756-2014 Ravena Village Government Clerk-Treasurer Office Clerk-Treasurer: Susan King Deputy Clerk-Treasurer: Kristine Biernacki Clerk: Gabby Ambrose 15 Mountain Rd Ravena New York 12143 518-756-8233 Ravena Village Government Village Trustees Linda Muller 518-756-8233 Email: Mary Ellen Rosato 518-756-8233 Email: Joseph Ganley 518-756-8233 Email: 15 Mountain Rd Ravena New York 12143 518-756-8233 Ravena Village Government Deputy Mayor Nancy Warner 15 Mountain Rd Ravena New York 12143 518-756-8233 Ravena Village Government Mayor William Misuraca 15 Mountain Rd Ravena New York 12143 518-756-8233 Ravena Village Government Village Offices 15 Mountain Rd Ravena New York 12143